Synthetic and conventional lubricants are substances applied between moving surfaces to reduce friction, heat, and wear. Their primary function is to ensure smooth and efficient movement of mechanical components.
But which one is better? Keep reading to learn more about lubricants and make the best choice based on your needs.
Composition and manufacturing
Synthetic lubricants are produced from engineered chemical compounds. They are manufactured using controlled chemical reactions, allowing their properties to be precisely adjusted. This results in high-purity lubricants that deliver cleaner and more efficient performance.
Conventional lubricants are derived from crude oil through a refining process. While this process removes many impurities, not all contaminants are eliminated, leading to more variants due to the natural composition of crude oil.
Synthetic lubricants offer greater stability at high temperatures, reducing oil evaporation and breakdown. They maintain better fluidity at low temperatures, facilitating cold engine starts and providing enhanced protection.
Conventional lubricants are more prone to breakdown and tend to evaporate at high temperatures. At low temperatures, they tend to thicken, making cold starts significantly more difficult.
Durability and efficiency
Due to their high purity, synthetic lubricants have a longer lifespan, allowing for extended oil change intervals. They provide better protection against wear, corrosion, and deposit formation.
Conventional lubricants need to be changed more frequently than synthetic ones due to their shorter lifespan. With a lower purity index, they are more likely to form deposits and sludge over time, resulting in less protection against wear.
In summary, synthetic lubricants offer a superior performance, greater durability, and better protection under various conditions. However, they come at higher cost compared to conventional lubricants, which are more affordable but generally provide lower overall performance.
If you need expert advice on choosing the right synthetic or conventional lubricants, contact us for more information tailored to your needs.