Lithium grease is a high-performance industrial lubricant known for its versatility and widespread use across industrial, automotive, and household sectors.
Proper machine lubrication is essential to protect components and ensure optimal production efficiency. Choosing the right lubricant helps extend component lifespan and maintain their optimal condition.
Composition of lithium grease
The formulation of this type of grease consists of three main ingredients:
- Lithium base. The primary component is lithium soap (hence the name), which is obtained through the saponification of a fatty acid with lithium hydroxide. This component acts a a thickening agent, giving the grease its semi-solid texture.
- Base oils. This type of base oil varies depending on the final application. It can be mineral, synthetic, or semi-synthetic oil.
- Additives. Adding special additives enhances the formula, improving oxidation resistance, corrosion protection, and thermal stability.
Although the composition may vary between brands, the general proportions are 80% to 90% base oil, 10% to 15% lithium base, and 5% to 10% additives.
Exceptional properties of lithium grease
The combination of these components results in a multi-purpose grease with outstanding characteristics.
Excellent thermal stability. It operates effectively within a temperature range of -20ºC to 120ºC. Depending on formulations it can withstand up to 200ºC.
- Water resistance. Lithium grease offers strong resistance to water and humidity, making it ideal for wet environments or applications subject to frequent washing.
- Seperior adhesion. It adheres firmly to metal surfaces, ensuring long-lasting and effective lubrication.
- Mechanical stability. Provides high resistance to heavy loads and vibrations, making it perfect for demanding industrial applications.
- Pumpability. Lithium grease can be applied through centralized lubrication systems, optimizing production efficiency.
As experts in industrial lubricants, Cronaser offers high-quality lithium greases tailored for the most demanding industries. Contact us to place an order or request for more information about our lithium grease solutions.