Product Description Packaging
POLY QUICK STEEL Hand-kneadable epoxy putty with fast curing for ferrous metals and aluminum. Reinforced stainless steel putty with aluminum for quick and permanent repairs. 12 tubes
POLY QUICK AQUA Hand-kneadable epoxy putty designed for quick and permanent repairs in wet, damp, and underwater applications. 12 tubes
KIT BP Designed for pipe repairs where isolation is not possible. Suitable for steel, stainless steel, copper, malleable iron, fiberglass, ceramic, clay, concrete, rubber, and most plastics. 6 Kits x box
KIT SP Designed for pipe repairs where isolation is not possible. Suitable for steel, stainless steel, copper, malleable iron, fiberglass, ceramic, clay, concrete, rubber, and most plastics. 6 Kits x box

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Steel welding alloys

Cast iron welding

Hardfacing electrodes
and rods

Copper, brass, and bronze
welding alloys

Thermal spray powder

Cold spray powder

Monofusion powders for
cold spray

Light metal welding

Cronasolv fluxes

Other common alloys

TIG rods for molds

Welding equipment

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