Product Welding Method Description Welding Polarity or Temperature Hardness or Tensile Strength
21 TORCH AND TIG All-purpose rod, no emissions, suitable for bonding cast iron with other dissimilar metals: bronze, brass, steel, etc. 760ºC to 871ºC 68,000 lb./plg.²
22 TORCH AND TIG Using an advanced powder metallurgy has allowed the creation of a special alloy of cast iron with casting properties. The “CRONACOAT” film has high performance and unlimited shelf life. 982ºC to 53,000 lb./plg.² ROCKWELL C 18-20
23F TORCH Flux coated rod for the cladding of worn or broken castings. To join brackets or parts to machine guards. Steel to cast iron. 760ºC to 871ºC 66,000 lb./plg.²
Flux coated rod for joining cast iron with steel alloy, brass, bronze and nickel. Ideal for repairing cracks and crevices. For thin flux and for cladding. 760ºC to 871ºC 100,000 lb./plg.²
ARC WELDING Versatile electrode which responds to the most difficult repairs in the cast iron welding. Allows previous impossible repairs. Use in any position, requires no preheating, milling. CA/CC P.I. 70,000 lb./plg.²
222 ARC WELDING Electrode for cast iron welding-totally millable- allows the repairing of cracks and crevices in any position. For the cladding of broken or missing parts – welding of thin pieces. CA/CC P.I. 65,000 lb./plg.²
235 ARC WELDING Electrode for safe welding of scorched, rusty or otherwise contaminated cast iron. Not millable. CA/CC P.I. 60,000 lb./plg.²
666 ARC WELDING Bronze alloy of general use for cast iron joining or coating in any position. Also for joining cast iron to dissimilar metals. CA/CC P.I. 90,000 lb./plg.²

All products from

Steel welding alloys

Hardfacing electrodes
and rods

Copper, brass, and bronze
welding alloys

Thermal spray powder

Cold spray powder

Monofusion powders for
cold spray

Light metal welding

Cronasolv fluxes

Other common alloys

TIG rods for molds

Welding equipment


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